El almacén: Exteriores

¿No sería genial vivir en un viejo almacén en el Muelle?

30 comentarios:

  1. Me encanta, es perfecto y super original O_O
    Tiene un montón de detalles *o*

  2. So perfect in all its details! Thank you for sharing! Prudence

  3. Your house is absolutely awesome and realistic! Great job :)

    Hey, how do you share your houses? is your game patched to the latest patch? it seems like the house i had exported and gave to the people to download has no cc in it... do you know the problem?



  4. Thanks for the comments. I have the version 12.0.273 with all expansions. By the way, Zveki, congratulations, your creations are fantastic, I love them!

  5. You must have installed CC before installing my home, because if not, CC objects not appear in the game.

  6. I have some tips for you.
    When you're putting a lot to download on your site, please, make sure there is NO family with the house. It's kinda annoying to have to dump a useless and unwanted family before I can play in the lot. And, when the lot you're putting to download have this amount of CC, please, PLEASE, post a list of these specific CC, otherwise we can't instal the lot exactly how you show us. It's false advertising.
    Thank you.

  7. Hello! It is not false advertising. Just trying to show my home. Early in my blog I made ​​it clear, for all show identical in your game, your game should contain everything before CC. And I have repeatedly reminded ...

  8. Don't listen to the anon. He/She just needs to take the stick out their ass.

    This house is very nice and you did a great job. Thanks for sharing.

  9. to Jasumi: Excuse me, but who's with a stick in the ass here is you, trying to offend me, unnecessarily, intruding yourself on a subject you obviously didn't understand. Spare me.

    to Creator: I never said that your house was ugly or poorly made​​, and I have read your message about needing to download the content before installing the lot. The problem that I pointed out is that you didn't posted the list of this content. That way it's impossible to leave it the way you show, because I can't go around guessing every item I see on the pictures. Got it? I never meant to insult your skills.

  10. All right! I try to make that list ...

  11. @Anon: your manner of speech is very nasty.

    "It's kinda annoying to have to dump a useless and unwanted family."

    You don't think that's rude? Would you want to take advice from yourself?

  12. End of conversation. I want peace ;-)
    Play and enjoy...

  13. MY manner of speech if very nasty? Here, let me quote yourself:

    "Don't listen to the anon. He/She just needs to take the stick out their ass."


    "take the stick out their ass."

    oh, look

    "stick out their ass."

    And you dare call MY manner of speech nasty? Please. Spare me, again.
    I just said the truth, because YES, to me, the family who comes with the house IS VERY USELESS, since I just wanted the damn house.


  14. Una consulta que son los cc? , es que me encanto la casa(: , ojalas agas mas de como esta casa:3 ,saludos !

  15. CC es el Contenido Personalizado... Gracias!

    1. Pero que tengo que hacer? solo instalarlo es que ya lo tengo por eso ayuda !! , porque no creas mas lavadora como estas http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/function_appliance_big_01.shtml me arias un gran favor jaja saludos.

  16. pero que tengo que hacer lo tengo instalado ya esta todo listo pero que tengo que hacer ? , ayudar por favor o solo tengo que tenerlo instalado ?

  17. Hola, lo primero felicitarte por estos grandes diseños, son realmente buenos y fantásticos. Quería preguntar que actualización tienes instalada. Es que cuando voy a instalar las casas me dice que no tengo la actualización adecuada, pero las tengo todas instaladas... Que actualización tienes instalada?? gracias

  18. Hola otra vez!! ya tengo las casas intaladas, he vuelto a instalar la ultima actualización 1.39 y se han instalado, pero ahora despues de todo, el problema que tengo que cuando pongo las casas no me aparecen los muebles de dentro, que coraje tengo...
    Yo tengo muchas casas ya instalas y miles de objetos... Pero es la primera vez que me pasa que al poner una casa a la hora de entrar en ella no tiene nada de lo que aparecen en tus imagenes... un beso wapisimaaa

    1. Hola! Para que todos los objetos aparezcan tal cual como en mis imágenes, deben tener todos estos objetos inicialmente instalados en tu juego. De no ser asi, puede que lis objetos que yo utilizo, sean sustituidos por otros de forma automática. Un saludo!

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  20. hello! you say we have to install all the cc for it to appear. have you included a list to where i can find the custom content? i really want to use this house, and for it to look like it does in the pictures. so please, make a cc list or something.

  21. hello! you say we have to install all the cc for it to appear as it does in you photos. have you included a list to where i can find the custom content? i really want to use this house, and for it to look like it does in the pictures. so please, make a cc list or something.

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  23. sad thing is, I can't read what you wrote about the CC and where it is to find it (google usually translates for me but didn't do it this time). I would love to have that fence and the telephone poles if it's free. I mean the whole thing is awesome, but I sort of need something a tad bit bigger. :)

  24. Here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Cyclonesue/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-construction/title/downtown-telegraph-poles-set/id/1115226/



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